Intercommunication Home Page Version Filesize Screenshot Type Description 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.9 x86 5.10 x86 5.11 x86 BeeBEEP (Qt515/6) svn 28MB yes Source INFO BeeBEEP (Qt515/6) latest 28MB yes Source INFO BeeBEEP (Qt515/6) dist 28MB yes Source INFO BeeBEEP (Qt515/6) 5.9.1 28MB yes Source INFO BeeBEEP (Qt4/5) 5.8.6 28MB yes Source INFO BeeBEEP (Qt4/5) 5.6.8 7.2MB yes Source INFO BeeBEEP (Qt4/5) 5.4.2 5.1MB yes Source INFO BeeBEEP (Qt4/5) 5.2.0 5.1MB yes Source INFO BeeBEEP (Qt4/5) 4.0.0 4.7MB yes Source INFO Beepage 1.2.1 300kb yes Source INFO Esmska (SMS) git 25MB yes Source INFO Esmska (SMS) 1.9.2 10MB yes Source INFO Esmska (SMS) 1.9 10MB yes Source INFO G-Page 2.14 300kb yes Source INFO G-Page 2.03 300kb yes Source INFO Intercom API's SDK git 1.0MB yes Source INFO Intercom API's SDK latest 1.0MB yes Source INFO Jalk 0.1.11 200kb yes Binary INFO Jasmin SMS Gateway git 1.5MB yes Source INFO Jasmin SMS Gateway latest 1.5MB yes Source INFO Jasmin SMS Gateway 0.11.0 1.5MB yes Source INFO Kannel: Open Source WAP and SMS gateway latest 3.6MB yes Source INFO Kannel: Open Source WAP and SMS gateway 1.5.0-dev 3.6MB yes Source INFO Kannel: Open Source WAP and SMS gateway 1.4.5 3.6MB yes Source INFO Kannel: Open Source WAP and SMS gateway 1.4.4 3.6MB yes Source INFO KouChat git 800kb yes Source INFO KouChat 1.3.0 600kb yes Source INFO MyTalk! 3.0 100kb yes Binary INFO Naken Chat 2.12 100kb Binary INFO OpenChatterBox 1.0.1 200kb yes Source INFO OpenSMPP git 500kb Source INFO OpenSMPP latest 500kb Source INFO OpenSMPP 3.0.2 500kb Source INFO OpenSMPP 3.0.1 200kb Source INFO RapidSMS git 700kb Source INFO RapidSMS latest 700kb Source INFO RapidSMS 2.1.0 700kb Source INFO RapidSMS 2.0.0 700kb Source INFO RapidSMS 1.1.0 700kb Source INFO RapidSMS 1.0.0 700kb Source INFO RapidSMS 0.22.0 700kb Source INFO RetroCode 1.60.1 1.0MB Source INFO SMS Server Tools 3 latest 400kb Source INFO SMS Server Tools 3 3.1.21 400kb Source INFO SMS Server Tools 3 3.1.15 300kb Source INFO SMSgate (Python Server) git 100kb Source INFO SMSgate (Python Server) latest 100kb Source INFO Speakfreely 7.6a 800kb Source INFO YTalk latest 200kb Source INFO YTalk 3.3.0 200kb Source INFO