MESSAGE Brokers Home Page Version Filesize Screenshot Type Description 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.9 x86 5.10 x86 5.11 x86 Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java17) latest 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java17) dist 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java17) 2.39.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java11) 2.38.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java11) 2.37.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java11) 2.36.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java11) 2.35.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java11) 2.34.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java11) 2.33.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java11) 2.32.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java11) 2.31.1 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java11) 2.30.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java11) 2.29.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java11) 2.28.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (+java11) 2.27.1 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 2.24.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 2.23.1 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 2.21.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 2.20.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 2.19.1 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 2.17.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 2.16.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 2.15.0 55MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Classic (+java11) latest 60MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Classic (+java11) 6.1.4 60MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Classic (+java11) 6.1.3 60MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Classic (+java11) 6.1.2 60MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Classic (+java11) 6.0.1 60MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Classic (+java11) 5.18.6 60MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Classic (+java11) 5.18.4 60MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Classic (+java11) 5.17.6 60MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Classic (+java8) 5.16.7 60MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Classic 5.15.16 52MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Classic 5.14.5 52MB yes Binary INFO Apache ActiveMQ Classic 5.9.1 46MB yes Binary INFO Apache Apollo svn 26MB yes Binary INFO Apache Apollo 1.7.1 26MB yes Binary INFO Apache Kafka latest 9.1MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka dist 9.1MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 3.9.0 9.1MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 3.8.1 9.1MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 3.7.1 9.1MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 3.6.1 9.1MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 3.5.1 9.1MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 3.4.1 9.1MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 3.3.2 9.1MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 3.2.3 9.1MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 3.1.0 9.1MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 3.0.0 9.1MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 2.8.0 8.8MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 2.7.0 8.3MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 2.6.1 7.9MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 2.5.1 7.6MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 2.4.1 7.3MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 2.3.1 6.9MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 2.2.2 6.7MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 2.1.1 6.5MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 2.0.1 6.3MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 1.1.1 6.3MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 1.0.2 5.4MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 4.9MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 3.8MB yes Source INFO Apache Kafka 1.5MB yes Source INFO Apache Qpid J Broker git 40MB yes Binary INFO Apache Qpid J Broker latest 40MB yes Binary INFO Apache Qpid J Broker dist 40MB yes Binary INFO Apache Qpid J Broker 9.2.0 40MB yes Binary INFO Apache Qpid J Broker 9.1.0 40MB yes Binary INFO Apache Qpid J Broker 9.0.0 40MB yes Binary INFO Apache Qpid J Broker 8.0.6 40MB yes Binary INFO Apache Qpid J Broker 7.1.6 40MB yes Binary INFO Apache Qpid C++ API 1.39.0 2.5MB yes Source INFO Apache RocketMQ git 6.0MB yes Source INFO Apache RocketMQ latest 9.2MB yes Source INFO Apache RocketMQ dist 100MB yes binary INFO Apache RocketMQ 5.3.1 9.2MB yes Source INFO Apache RocketMQ 5.2.0 9.2MB yes Source INFO Apache RocketMQ 5.1.4 8.6MB yes Source INFO Apache RocketMQ 5.0.0 8.6MB yes Source INFO Apache RocketMQ 4.9.8 8.6MB yes Source INFO Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT latest 2.1MB yes Source INFO Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT 2.0.20 2.1MB yes Source INFO Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT 2.0.19 2.1MB yes Source INFO Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT 2.0.18 2.1MB yes Source INFO Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT 2.0.17 2.1MB yes Source INFO Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT 2.0.16 2.1MB yes Source INFO Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT 2.0.15 2.1MB yes Source INFO Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT 1.6.15 2.0MB yes Source INFO Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT 1.5.11 2.0MB yes Source INFO Eclipse PAHO C for MQTT git 3.3MB yes Source INFO Eclipse PAHO C for MQTT latest 3.3MB yes Source INFO Eclipse PAHO C for MQTT 1.3.14 3.3MB yes Source INFO Eclipse PAHO C for MQTT 1.3.13 3.3MB yes Source INFO HornetQ 2.4.0 16MB yes Binary INFO IBM WebSphereMQ latest 100MB yes Eval INFO IBM WebSphereMQ 100MB yes Eval INFO IBM WebSphereMQ 100MB yes Eval INFO IBM WebSphereMQ 100MB yes Eval INFO IBM WebSphereMQ 100MB yes Eval INFO Kombu - Messaging library for Python git 600kb yes Source INFO Kombu - Messaging library for Python latest 600kb yes Source INFO Kombu - Messaging library for Python dist 600kb yes Source INFO Kombu - Messaging library for Python 5.5.0-rc2 600kb yes Source INFO Kombu - Messaging library for Python 5.4.2 600kb yes Source INFO Kombu - Messaging library for Python 5.3.7 600kb yes Source INFO Memcached latest 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached dist 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.34 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.33 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.32 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.31 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.29 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.28 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.27 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.26 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.25 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.24 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.23 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.22 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.6.21 2.5MB yes Source INFO Memcached 1.5.22 600kb yes Source INFO OpenAMQ git 9.2MB yes Source INFO OpenAMQ latest 9.2MB yes Source INFO OpenAMQ 1.4c1 9.2MB yes Source INFO OpenAMQ 1.3 8.9MB yes Source INFO OpenMQ dist 40MB yes Binary INFO OpenMQ 5.1.1 40MB yes Binary INFO OpenMQ 4.5.2 40MB yes Binary INFO OpenMQ git 4.0MB yes Source INFO OpenMQ latest 4.0MB yes Source INFO OpenMQ 5.1.2 40MB yes Binary INFO OpenMQ 4.5.2 40MB yes Binary INFO RabbitMQ-c/Librabbitmq-c git 200kb yes Source INFO RabbitMQ-c/Librabbitmq-c latest 200kb yes Source INFO RabbitMQ-c/Librabbitmq-c 0.15.0 200kb yes Source INFO RabbitMQ-c/Librabbitmq-c 0.14.0 200kb yes Source INFO RabbitMQ-c/Librabbitmq-c 0.13.0 200kb yes Source INFO RabbitMQ-Server (This release requires Erlang 26 and supports Erlang versions up to 27.2.x.) git 20MB yes Binary INFO RabbitMQ-Server (This release requires Erlang 26 and supports Erlang versions up to 27.2.x.) latest 20MB yes Binary INFO RabbitMQ-Server (This release requires Erlang 26.2 and supports Erlang 27.x.) 4.1.0-beta3 20MB yes Binary INFO RabbitMQ-Server (This release requires Erlang 26 and supports Erlang versions up to 27.2.x.) dist 20MB yes Binary INFO RabbitMQ-Server (This release requires Erlang 26 and supports Erlang versions up to 27.2.x.) 4.0.5 20MB yes Binary INFO RabbitMQ-Server (This release requires Erlang 26 and supports Erlang versions up to 26.2.x.) 3.13.7 20MB yes Binary INFO RabbitMQ-Server (Erlang/OTP 25.x./Erlang/OTP 26.x.) 3.12.14 20MB yes Binary INFO RabbitMQ-Server (Erlang/OTP 25.x.) 3.11.28 20MB yes Binary INFO RabbitMQ-Server (Erlang/OTP 24.3 - Erlang/OTP 25.3.) 3.10.25 18MB yes Binary INFO RabbitMQ-Server (Erlang/OTP 24.2) 3.9.29 12MB yes Binary INFO RabbitMQ-Server (Erlang/OTP 23.2 - Erlang/OTP 24.x) 3.8.35 15MB yes Binary INFO RabbitMQ-Server (Erlang/OTP 21.3.) 3.7.28 5.0MB yes Binary INFO Redis git 2.7MB yes Source INFO Redis (Upgrade urgency: SECURITY, contains fixes to security issues.) latest 2.3MB yes Source INFO Redis dist 2.7MB yes Source INFO Redis (Upgrade urgency: SECURITY, contains fixes to security issues.) 8.0.0-m01 2.3MB yes Source INFO Redis (Upgrade urgency: SECURITY, contains fixes to security issues.) 7.4.0 2.3MB yes Source INFO Redis (Upgrade urgency: SECURITY, contains fixes to security issues.) 7.2.5 2.3MB yes Source INFO Redis (Upgrade urgency: SECURITY, contains fixes to security issues.) 7.0.15 2.3MB yes Source INFO Redis 6.2.14 2.3MB yes Source INFO Redis 6.0.20 2.1MB yes Source INFO Redis 5.0.14 1.9MB yes Source INFO Redis 4.0.14 1.7MB yes Source INFO Redis Clients (All) latest 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-C git 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-C latest 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-C 1.2.1-dev 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-C 1.2.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-C 1.1.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-C 1.0.2 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-C 0.14.1 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go git 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go latest 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 9.6.1 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 9.5.1 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 9.4.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 9.3.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 9.2.1 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 9.1.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 9.0.5 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 8.11.5 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 8.10.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 8.8.3 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 8.7.1 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 8.6.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 8.5.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 8.4.11 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 8.3.2 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 7.3.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Go 6.15.8 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-PHP git 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-PHP latest 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-PHP 6.1.0-RC2 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-PHP 6.0.2 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-PHP 5.3.7 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-PHP 5.3.6 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-PHP 5.3.4 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-PHP 5.2.2 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Redis-Py git 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Redis-Py latest 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Redis-Py 5.2.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Redis-Py 5.1.1 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Redis-Py 5.0.9 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Redis-Py 5.0.8 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Redis-Py 5.0.7 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Redis-Py 4.6.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Redis-Py 4.5.5 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Redis-Py 4.4.4 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Python git 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Python latest 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Python 3.1.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Python 3.0.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Python 2.4.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Python 2.3.2 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Python 2.2.3 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Python 2.1.1 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Python 2.0.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Python 1.1.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Python 1.0.1 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby git 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby latest 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby 5.3.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby 5.2.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby 5.1.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby 5.0.8 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby 4.8.1 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby 4.6.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby 4.5.1 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby 4.4.0 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby 4.3.1 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby 4.2.5 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Ruby 4.1.4 1.0MB yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust git 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust latest 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust 0.26.1 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust 0.25.3 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust 0.24.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust 0.23.4 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust 0.22.3 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust 0.21.7 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust 0.20.1 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust 0.19.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust 0.18.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust 0.17.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Rust 0.16.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Scala git 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Scala latest 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Scala 3.42.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Scala 3.30.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Scala 3.3.0 100kb yes Source INFO Redis Client Hiredis-Scala 3.20 100kb yes Source INFO SonicMQ 2015 40MB yes Eval INFO WSO2 EE Integrator 6.4.0 100MB yes Binary INFO WSO2 Message Broker prev 60MB yes Binary INFO WSO2 Integrator 6.1.1 100MB yes Binary INFO WSO2 Message Broker 3.2.0 60MB yes Binary INFO WSO2 Message Broker 2.2.0 60MB yes Binary INFO ZeroMQ latest 1.4MB yes Source INFO ZeroMQ 4.3.5 1.4MB yes Source INFO ZeroMQ 4.2.5 1.3MB yes Source INFO ZeroMQ 4.1.8 1.0MB yes Source INFO ZeroMQ 4.1.6 1.0MB yes Source INFO ZeroMQ 4.0.10 1.6MB yes Source INFO ZeroMQ 4.0.8 1.6MB yes Source INFO ZeroMQ 3.2.5 2.0MB yes Source INFO ZeroMQ Python Bindings git 300kb yes Source INFO ZeroMQ Python Bindings latest 300kb yes Source INFO ZeroMQ Python Bindings 26.2.0 300kb yes Source INFO ZeroMQ Python Bindings 26.1.1 300kb yes Source INFO ZeroMQ Python Bindings 26.0.3 300kb yes Source INFO